Instructions for Contributors

Instructions for Contributors#

Before you submit a pull request it’s always a good idea to run the tests locally and catch any potential bugs/errors that might have been introduced. Also, sometimes it’s also a good idea to build the documentation locally to see how new docstrings or any new bits of documentation that you may have added look like.


To run the tests from a local clone of the repository we first need to create a conda environment with all the required dependencies.

We create the environment by calling

conda env create --prefix ./env --file environment-ci.yml

from the repository’s local clone main directory. Then we activate it via

conda activate ./env

We then install both the package in this environment as well as the pytest package:

python -m pip install .
python -m pip install pytest

Now we can run the tests with

python -m pytest tests/

If we also want to run the doctests (that is, the tests that appear as examples in various docstrings), we can use

python -m pytest --doctest-modules tests/ regional_mom6/


To build the docs from a local clone of the repository we first need to create a conda environment after we first navigate to the docs directory of our local repository clone.

cd docs
conda create --name docs-env --file requirements.txt

We activate this environment and install the package itself as an editable install (pip install -e).

conda activate docs-env
pip install -e ..

Now we can build the docs via make:

make html

and upon successful build, we preview the documentation by opening _build/html/index.html in our favorite browser.

Alternatively, instead of creating a conda environment, we can install the required dependencies for the docs via pip; the rest is same, that is

cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e ..
make html